Saturday, June 2, 2012

2012 Can you afford the best Care for your Pet?

I am getting two cats, so I went to the shop to check out what kinds of food and kitty-litter best to use. There are the very expensive foods, that have a special nutritional value/support for the cat, then the 'regular' food that also has a very nice package and looks like it would taste good for the cat and is also generally nourishing for it and then you have the really cheap stuff, that looks awful and doesn't promise much of offering the cat any nutrition/support -- so for all I know, they could basically have put just about anything in the cheap food, and then process it to make it look like meat, just like they do with canned meat for humans.

This type of layering in prices in relation to the quality of the product happens all of the time, in all areas of life where products are offered for the human being (or the animal in this case) to live a comfortable life, but I never really considered what this actually implies up to now, as I will now have these two creatures in my care and it becomes clear to me that the quality of care and support that they will receive depends entirely upon how much money I have.

So, 'life is expensive' but 'life is worthless' at the same time. Life obviously has absolutely no value what so ever for the human being, because no matter how much commercials for cat food present this pretty image wherein the company apparently has the best interests of the cat (or any other animal) at heart, and dedicated themselves to finding the best 'formula' to keep the animal healthy, they will sell the food at a certain price and for all the pet-owners that cannot afford the food and have to resort to other brands that offer lower quality of food, they basically couldn't care less, because obviously it is and has always only been all about the money, and not the animal.

Because if any of the companies that apparently concern themselves with animal nutrition and researching and developing products that are best for the animal actually really cared about animals, they would find a way to make sure that every animal on earth gets the best treatment possible, and not only the 'elite' animals that happen to be the pets of people with enough money to buy this type of 'elite care' for their pet.

This is why and how animals are so screwed here on this planet where humanity has managed to subdue and control all life with its system of money, because they will always come second place as they themselves have no money what so ever and no ability to earn money, yet they are equally stuck in the money system as human beings because the money system and the consumerist life-style of the human that is fueled by positive feelings does not only exist in the minds of Man but is a physically manifested system, where the Human Being has completely forced Nature and thus also the Animal Kingdom to comply and adhere to what the human wants the world to 'look like', never considering the billions of lives that are not directly visible that this will affect.

We've made animals completely dependent on us by having stolen their homes in our greed for resources and in our search for Glory and expansion of the 'human supremacy', so now instead of realizing that it is thus our duty to take proper care of the animal kingdom, we still fail to realize just how responsible we all really are towards animals in this world by treating/seeing them as our slaves. Which makes them the slaves of the slaves of the money system, so that is double fucked.

I am One Vote for an Equal Money System and a world where all animals will get the best care possible, where the value of and the care for life is not determined by money because I realize that our current money system does not support life on earth, it only destroys it, apparently protected by justifications, excuses and belief-systems about why or how this way of living is in any way 'normal', 'natural' or 'just', when there really are no excuses for what the Human being allows to exist on and be done unto earth. Life is the only real Value, and it simply doesn't make any sense that Life would have to buy its right to Live - this is a Human Invention that only benefits a 'lucky few' and has nothing to do with 'justice'.